Tuesday 7 February 2017

Film Schedule/Full Plan

My Film Opening was filmed in Tbilisi, Georgia

My first scene was filmed in the morning at 11am, in that scene we see me as the actor falling on my side into the snow . (5th Jan 1pm)

Last couple scenes were filmed at 8-9pm where I wake up in the snow from having a concussion, we decided to ask the residents where we could film it without being caught and then we drove up one of the mountains and were trying to find a suitable location were the snowmobile will be able to drive and where it was safe to film. (6th Jan 10am-7pm)

These scenes were filmed on the ski resort in Georgia, Tbilisi. We didn't have any trouble filming the scenes during the day or the night but we were very cautious at filming the scenes during the night even though after we finished film the scenes for 3 days, the last evening my brother and my dad got into a accident with the snowmobile when they didn't notice that the mountain would be that steep when they were going down and the snowmobile has been spin-out of control throwing both of them of board and landing on my brothers arm, breaking his arm and forcing him to have gypsum on his hand for 2 months.


My Film Editing adds up in the film except one scene when it jumps a bit forward in time due to filming plan mistakes.


The Lonely Survivor
(My Title Opening was inspired by the film: Frozen; released year: 2010; Directed by: Adam Green; when three survivors get trapped on a open gondola in the middle of the air when being the last people to ski down the mountain and they asked the person in control of the gondolas to let them ski down the mountain one more time. The person in control gets replaced by someone else and he is told that when 3 skiers will ski down the mountain, he can turn off the gondola. So, some other three skiers go down the mountain and he turns off the power in the system and the 3 of them get trapped up in the air for 5 days. One of the skiers says that he will get help if he jumps, so he jumps and breaks both of his legs, one wolf stands in front of him and then the woman on the gondola throws her snowboard at the wolf and it runs away, then the wolf returns with a pack of wolf which surrounds him and they eat him in front of the other 2 survivors on the gondola, the other male survivor climbs down the ladder and runs away and doesn't return).

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