Monday 12 December 2016


  • Directors:
Hitchcock, Alfred 02.jpg
   Alfred Hitchcock (Psycho, 1960)

Alfred Hitchcock pioneered many elements of the suspense and psychological thriller genres. He had a successful career in British cinema with both silent films and early talkies and became renowned as England's best director. Hitchcock moved to Hollywood in 1939.  Hitchcock's Rear Window and Psycho are one of the best thriller films that he had ever created.

 Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight, 2005-2012)
Nolan's visual style often emphasises urban settings, men in suits, muted colors, dialogue scenes framed in wide close-up with a shallow depth of field and modern locations and architecture. Aesthetically, the director favours deep, evocative shadows, documentary-style lighting, natural settings and real filming locations over studio work. Nolan has noted that all of his films are heavily influenced by film noir. (mood of pessimism, fatalism, and menace)   

Christopher Nolan is the man who reboots the blockbusters, He is one of the few directors who can walk into a Hollywood studio with an idea and come out with $200m. So will Nolan’s latest film, Interstellar was a huge success earning $675 million dollars from a budget of $165 million dollars. Batman Begins (2005) was also one of his biggest successful films, he earned $374 million dollars from a $150 million dollars budget earning him more than twice the amount he has spent on making this film.                                                                                                                      

David Fincher (2012) 3.jpg David Fincher (Seven, 1995, The Game 1997)

Fincher likes to use a lot of different camera movements with computer-generated imagery, commission intricate sets, get heavily involved in post-production, and re-shoot footage after the principal photography has wrapped. He does not normally use hand-held cameras when he shoots a film, preferring cameras on a tripod. His most frequent use of a hand-held camera was for his film Seven, in which five scenes were shot that way. Secondly, Fincher likes to confuse audiences with his camerawork. Sometimes, it is difficult to determine if a shot is human-controlled, motion-controlled or computer-generated imagery. Thirdly, Close-ups are very common in Fincher's films, extreme close-ups. Fourthly, he tries not to move his cameras as much as possible. 

Michael Mann (Heat 1995, Blackhat 2015)

Mann's films often feature male protagonists, usually highly gifted and independent-minded professionals who struggle to reconcile their mental lives with the demands, both benign and malign, of the exterior world. Importantly, his films often involve a tragic rather than a happy ending, such as in Miami Vice, when of the two undercover police officers, one has his girlfriend (also an undercover officer) come out of a coma and the other tearfully separates from his romantic interest. Mann's films contain fast-paced, artful scenes that strongly depend on powerful music, where often two opposing sides intermix, such as undercover policework and undercover drug trafficking, so that it is hard to distinguish between the two. For example, in Heat, the police detective invites the criminal to meet for coffee, where they discuss their affairs like old business partners. Often it is hard to distinguish between opposing sides (e.g. police vs. criminals), where the actions, dress, and mannerisms of the characters are extremely similar. Also, Mann's work often involves landscapes and modes where the heroic protagonists occupy a somewhat secret world, away from ordinary concerns (law, life and death, money, daily-life survival duties, family duties, and so on), where the secret world may or may not coincide with ordinary reality. Protagonists often find impassioned romantic interests which are severed under tragic situations near the end of the film such as: (Last of the MohicansHeatCollateralMiami Vice, Public Enemies). Overall, Mann's films mix artistry (via music, stylishness and emotional intensity) with strong violence and noir-like stoicism.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Consent Form for filming

Consent Form - Filming


I give my consent to:
1) Being filmed for the A level Media Short film
2) Allow the film to be edited and changed
3) Viewing the final film in class and other Media Exhibitions
4) Being mentioned on specific blogs and websites relating to this product

(All for educational purposes)



Lighting in my Film

Lightning in my Film:

The film opening starting off during the morning when it is very bright and sunny, then I get into a accident of falling down on to the snow.
A couple hours pass when I wake up and it shows that it is nighttime, I try to get up but I can't so I start to crawl for help and then, I see a light coming from the left side of me and I reach out for help.
When the snowmobile stops in front of me sideways,the light goes from the left side to the right side mostly shown on the right side of the screen.
Lightning changed when the camera position changes, but stays on the right side of the screen then, when I am being carried to the snowmobile on one leg, the lightning appears on the right side of my shoulder.
When the snowmobile drives off the lightning gets smaller and smaller until a building is seen in the background.

Research/Inspiration for my Film

2nd IDEA: My Opening Sequence was inspired by a film called 'Frozen' directed by: Adam Green, when 3 survivors were stranded on a ski escalator for 5 days after being trapped up there due to a reason of that the ski resort only works on the weekends and they decided to go for one last time up on the mountain, they tell  the attendant and he is then called into the boss's office and is replaced by a co-worker. As he leaves, he tells the co-worker that there are only three skiers left. Another set of three skiers comes down the mountain. When he sees them, he shuts down the ski lift, stranding the three friends in their ski lift chair far above the ground. 
It was filmed in February 2009 in Snowbasin near Ogden, Utah and was premiered on the 5th February 2010 in cinemas earning a box office of $3.1 million

1st IDEA: My Opening sequence was inspired by a Tv Show called 'The Walking Dead' I was mostly inspired by Jeffrey Dean Morgan who played as Negan at the end of S6 Ep16 in the Tv Show and is still playing as Negan since Season 7 which started in mid-October 2016.

My Opening sequence require a similar type of bat that Negan had:

My baseball-bat will look similar, might add some nails into it and change the formate of the wire wrapped on the baseball-bat.
This was my result of creating my own, Negan type bat with a help of a friend.

Sadly when I flew from Ukraine back to London, the airport police confiscated the wire, so I'll have to redo the wiring process again.


My Clothing isn't completely the same as Negan's outfit, my Leather Jacket doesn't have the same amount of zippers as Negan's jacket has, the scarf I have is lighter (in colour) than the one Negan has.  Negan wears a white shirt under his jacket while I wear something else (it doesn't matter what I wear under the jacket because the jacket will cover it up)
Negan wears cargo pants while I wear dark blue jeans.
Hair Style is the same, hair slick back.
Negan cover ups only 1 hand of his with a leather glove, I also cover only 1 hand of mine with the leather glove. (Might change to both hands covered up)
Negan wears Boots, while I wear dark coloured trainers.
Image result for Negan colour wallpaper

Characters Appearance in TWD

Negan is everything that was wrong with the big kills that opened season 7 in TWD. He is there just to shock and disgust the audience. There is no emotions created by Negan which makes him seem unreal. He's not there to be a fully-fledged character or anything close to resembling a human being. Negan exists to be hated and that is most lazy thing that The Walking Dead have ever done to a villain. 

Negan is just a one-dimensional wrecking ball of a character. No depth, no emotion, just killing.

The audience really needs to learn why Negan became the way he is and have confirmation that he isn't as poorly written as he seems. Negan can't be this awful for no reason than other being a villain. Negan's long profanity-filled monologues about violence are the only thing shown on the show. 

The Walking Dead has to prove there is a reason behind Negan's actions other than shocking the audience. It doesn't even need to be a flashback. Negan goes on so many long, obnoxious monologues that he could tell someone his entire life story and it wouldn't seem out of character. No matter how The Walking Dead gets there, they need to prove that there is a reason to care about Negan beyond how well he can kill people with a baseball bat. 

He is the leader of a group of roughly 70 survivors in The Sanctuary, called the Saviors, a group that trades with others. 

Negan feels invincible in the apocalyptic world, he also had hundreds of people following him that represent him as a god, if Negan dies, then all the people following him would just retreat.

In the comic's, Negan is taken hostage by Rick and is kept in a prison cell.
In the Tv Show, He is still in power, controlling Rick and Rick is frightened by him, so he follows every single order that Negan commands him to do. 

Plan Idea for my Film

Thriller Idea:

Costume: Leather Jacket, Jeans
Equipment: Baseball Bat
Location: Alley Block Filming Area.

5 People needed (3 Bad, 2 Civilised)

1)Richard Platt
2)Archie Norton

3 Bad People


Placement: I stand in the front wearing my leather jacket with a baseball bat resting on my shoulder while holding it.

Actor on my right

Placement: Appears a bit later and walks on my right side from behind me. Stand behind me (on the right side) (approximately 1 foot distance away)

Action: Walks from his starting location to his standing location while crunching his knuckles, twisting his neck (left and right) and at his standing location his head looks up but his eyes keep looking at the 2 civilised people who just entered the alleyway.

Actor on my left

Placement: Appears 2,3 seconds later than the other actor on the right side. Stands in line with the actor on the right side.

Action: Walks from his starting location to his standing location by peeling something with a knife and he spits once on the floor while walking.

2 Civilised People

Actor on the left side

Placement: Walks slowly through the alley block next to the other Actress,

Action: Both look very happy, chatting about something (in the background) 

Actress on the right side

Placement: Walks at the same speed as 'Left side actor'

Action: Looks Happy

Weather/Time: Sunset or Nighttime; Cold

Film Opening Storyboard

1)Just me in the scene, in the middle of the alleyway.
2)The 2 civilised people walk into the alleyway.
3)The 2 civilised people walk towards me.
4)They get closer.
5)My right hand man appears on the scene, stands a foot behind me.
6)My left hand man appears on the scene, stands in line with the right hand man.
7)I say 'Grab them'
8)The 2 people near me go around the 2 civilised.
9)They approach them not too quick and not too slow.
10)They stand behind the 2 civilised, and grab them from behind.
11)I approach them, my standing location is between the 2 civilised people.
12)When I'm in the middle (a feet away), between the 2 civilised people. I start going to my left.
13)I'm going on my left in a slow pace.
14)I start going back on my right.
15) -
16)I'm going on my right in a slow pace.
18)I go to my location at a slow pace
20)I stands between the 2 civilised people
21)I start circling the 4 people (slowly)
22)I'm on their right
23)I'm behind them
24)I'm on their left
25)I'm back in front of them

Monday 28 November 2016

Personal Favourites

These thrillers (Don't Breathe, 2016; The Shallows, 2016, American Sniper, 2016, Se7en 1995, The Butterfly Effect 2 2006, The Equalizer 2014, White House Down 2013) are considered to be the my personal favourite thrillers because they keep me alerted and they provide a certain level of suspense;                                                                                                                                                                                         In 'Don't Breathe' the trailer shows us 3 people who planned to rob a blind guy who has 300,000 dollars in his house, the person who offered this job dies at the start by the blind man and the blind guy can actually detect the other 2 people by them walking, breathing and talking. The blind guy starts to barricade his house leaving those 2 other people no exit for them to escape the hose.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          In 'The Shallows' I really enjoyed the camera movements and the suspense how a surviving woman was stuck on a reef while she cut her leg open and blood was pouring which lured a shark towards her and she had to think of a way to stay alive and survive.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       In 'American Sniper' a SEAL Sniper is represented as a saviour of many american troops lives who are on the battlefield. He gets a reward when he goes back to America from Iraq for killing 255 people in four tours in the Iraq war.

                                                                                    In 'Se7en' I really enjoyed the storyline and how two detectives were searching for a serial killer who killed people in a particular way in the order of the 7 deadly sins: Pride, Avarice, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth (Acedia).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In 'The Butterfly Effect 2' a man named 'Nick Larson' who loses his beloved girlfriend in a car accident who he can't live without, so he had some sort of ability to go back in time to change things and as he went back in time to save his girlfriend, he came back to the future and he found out that the more he goes back in time, the worser the future becomes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      In 'The Equalizer' the storyline is about a guy who was a former black ops commando who faked his death for a quiet life in Boston, comes out of his retirement to rescue a young girl and finds himself face to face with Russian gangsters; he works as a builder and he does what he thinks is right, so when his co-worker gets robbed of her mother's ring he, follows that person, kill him and returns the ring to his co-worker. I really enjoyed the sound effects and how Denzel Washington started to kill people who treat others with no respect and the effect with the rain and slow motion at the very end when he killed the mob boss with a nail-gun.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      In 'White House Down' trailer the amount of explosion moments that happen is un-real making the trailer show-off that the film uses to much CGI (computer-generated imagery)  but I really liked the storyline of the film and how the storyline escalated. It's based on a terrorists attacking the White House and killing almost everyone in their way and their is only one man who's goal is to protect the president at any cost.
Image result for the equalizer