Wednesday 7 December 2016

Plan Idea for my Film

Thriller Idea:

Costume: Leather Jacket, Jeans
Equipment: Baseball Bat
Location: Alley Block Filming Area.

5 People needed (3 Bad, 2 Civilised)

1)Richard Platt
2)Archie Norton

3 Bad People


Placement: I stand in the front wearing my leather jacket with a baseball bat resting on my shoulder while holding it.

Actor on my right

Placement: Appears a bit later and walks on my right side from behind me. Stand behind me (on the right side) (approximately 1 foot distance away)

Action: Walks from his starting location to his standing location while crunching his knuckles, twisting his neck (left and right) and at his standing location his head looks up but his eyes keep looking at the 2 civilised people who just entered the alleyway.

Actor on my left

Placement: Appears 2,3 seconds later than the other actor on the right side. Stands in line with the actor on the right side.

Action: Walks from his starting location to his standing location by peeling something with a knife and he spits once on the floor while walking.

2 Civilised People

Actor on the left side

Placement: Walks slowly through the alley block next to the other Actress,

Action: Both look very happy, chatting about something (in the background) 

Actress on the right side

Placement: Walks at the same speed as 'Left side actor'

Action: Looks Happy

Weather/Time: Sunset or Nighttime; Cold

Film Opening Storyboard

1)Just me in the scene, in the middle of the alleyway.
2)The 2 civilised people walk into the alleyway.
3)The 2 civilised people walk towards me.
4)They get closer.
5)My right hand man appears on the scene, stands a foot behind me.
6)My left hand man appears on the scene, stands in line with the right hand man.
7)I say 'Grab them'
8)The 2 people near me go around the 2 civilised.
9)They approach them not too quick and not too slow.
10)They stand behind the 2 civilised, and grab them from behind.
11)I approach them, my standing location is between the 2 civilised people.
12)When I'm in the middle (a feet away), between the 2 civilised people. I start going to my left.
13)I'm going on my left in a slow pace.
14)I start going back on my right.
15) -
16)I'm going on my right in a slow pace.
18)I go to my location at a slow pace
20)I stands between the 2 civilised people
21)I start circling the 4 people (slowly)
22)I'm on their right
23)I'm behind them
24)I'm on their left
25)I'm back in front of them

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