Wednesday 7 December 2016

Lighting in my Film

Lightning in my Film:

The film opening starting off during the morning when it is very bright and sunny, then I get into a accident of falling down on to the snow.
A couple hours pass when I wake up and it shows that it is nighttime, I try to get up but I can't so I start to crawl for help and then, I see a light coming from the left side of me and I reach out for help.
When the snowmobile stops in front of me sideways,the light goes from the left side to the right side mostly shown on the right side of the screen.
Lightning changed when the camera position changes, but stays on the right side of the screen then, when I am being carried to the snowmobile on one leg, the lightning appears on the right side of my shoulder.
When the snowmobile drives off the lightning gets smaller and smaller until a building is seen in the background.

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